Hi there,

My name is Brooke Thomas and I’m a certified barre instructor, via the Barre Above program. I spend my summers here in Chatham. I initially got hooked into barre exercise - and lost 20 pounds! - from a variety of barre classes I continue to take in my hometown of New York City, including PureBarre, FlyBarre, and Exhale.  

Chatham Barre started in 2017 and was a sort of a “pop-up” experiment. It tested great here in Chatham! This is my third summer and I'm jazzed to be back. The Chatham Barre classes incorporate what I’ve been certified for and are also influenced by other barre techniques I’ve learned. 

In the off-season, my full-time job is a casting director at Brooke Thomas Casting in Manhattan, where I cast for TV commercials and indy film. I also teach acting classes and organize workshops for emerging actors under a site I operate called Casting Loop. I’m also a mom, with a son at Providence College who works here in the summer and a daughter who recently graduated from Boston College. We live in the old village of Chatham, down by the Mill Pond. 

Ready to take a barre class at Chatham Barre? ...Let's do this!

Interested in a private group class at your home in Chatham? Contact me!

Brooke Thomas, Certified Instructor at Chatham Barre

Brooke Thomas, Certified Instructor at Chatham Barre