Some Lingo...

Pulse: A small movement to the beat of the music done with a small range of motion.

Tuck: This is a pelvic tilt whereby you pull your abdominals in toward your spine while dropping your tailbone.

Hold:  This is stopping all movement and holding in the lowest, deepest position to achieve isometric contraction

Pressback:  Pressing the knees back.

Bendstretch: A tiny movement in the joint followed by an extension and contraction of the muscle being worked.

Common questions...

What is Barre exercise?

Barre exercise classes blend the latest application of exercise sciences with the principles of the Lotte Berk method (the genesis of the Barre movement), delivering a fusion of ballet, pilates, yoga and strength training to the workouts.

Which muscle groups does Chatham Barre focus on?

Chatham Barre is a full body workout, but like most barre workouts there is an emphasis on the lower body and core.

What should I wear to class?

Wear comfortable workout clothing. Full length or capri leggings are recommended since these allow you full range of motion and will not inhibit any movement. It's not advisable to wear shorts.  Wear a comfortable sports bra and shirt or tank. Sticky socks or barefoot is best since it gives you some traction.

What should I bring to class?

A towel and water.  Yoga mats are available for borrowed use OR you can also buy a new yoga mat for $15 at the Chatham Barre studio. 

What kind of shape do I need to be in order to take a Chatham Barre class?

Chatham Barre classes are for everyone from the beginner to the seasoned athlete. If you are taking a barre class for the very first time and/or are just beginning a fitness regimen, let the instructor know before class about any concerns you may have.  It's recommended that you have the okay from your physician before partaking in any type of physical activity.

I am nursing an injury. Can I still safely participate in a barre class?

It depends on the injury. You should always talk to your physician beforehand and get approval from them before participating in the class. You should always let the instructor know of any injury before class. He or she may want you to refrain from doing certain exercises, have modifications for you, or recommend you sit out from the class for that day for your safety.

Can I just show up as a walk-in to a Chatham Barre class, or do I need to reserve a spot?

You should reserve your spot online prior to class.  If a spot is available we can accept walk-ins, but again, it's highly recommended you sign up online.

Do I need dance or ballet experience for Chatham Barre classes?

No. You do not need any type of dance or ballet experience in order to participate in a class. It's an instructor-driven exercise class.

When should I arrive to a class?

Please arrive 10 minutes before class begins in case you need to sign an on-line waiver, pay for class and become familiar with the lingo and equipment for the class. Late comers will not be admitted.

What does a class cost, and how many people are in a class?

A Chatham Barre class costs $20 and is paid online when your reserve your spot. Walk-ins also welcome, assuming there's room. Up to 12 people can be in a class.

What is your cancellation/refund policy?

Cancellations must be made before 8pm the night before class. This is to allow adequate notice to those placed on the waitlist to be added and informed. Late cancellations or no shows after the cut-off period shall result in the loss of the class. Late comers will not be admitted.


Ready to join a class? reserve your spot now!